Sunday, December 30, 2012

Unable to Activate Windows Store App

You developed or are in the process of developing a Windows 8 Metro app.  It compiles without error.  It runs beautifully.  You are proud of yourself, as you should be.
One day you run your Window 8 app again, and suddenly – BAM!  Your app throws the following error out of nowhere:

How can this happen?  It was running just fine the last time you worked on it.

What happened is that the developer license with which you built your app has expired.  You can try launching your app again in a moment, as the error dialog suggests, but unfortunately this error is not going to go away.

But wait!  You had already recently renewed your license, you say?  So why are you still getting this error?  As I stated earlier, the developer license with which this given app was built is expired.  Your other new apps will work fine.  You can uninstall and reinstall this app and it will work fine.  You can start a new project and copy the old code over and it will work fine.  But that may be somewhat tedious.

I have found an easy and painless workaround.  In the Package.AppManifest file, in the Packaging tab, you can increment either the Build or the Revision numbers. 
Of course you can change the Major or Minor numbers as well, but that would not be good practice.

To recap: the Windows Store App developer license is temporary; it expires after a few weeks.  When it expires, your Windows 8 app expires with it.  You will need to renew your license.  To keep your older apps operational, you can simply change the build or revision number in the package manifest.

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